Hi, my name is Sebastian Kraus. I am a Professor and Head of Studies at the Media University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Evidence-based design is my approach, participatory design my methodology.

Mindset Systemic Design

In an increasingly complex world, new approaches are required. How do we find a new paradigm for the great social transformations of our time in the field of design?

This is possible if we look at problems systemically. Developing solutions that can answer technological, economic and social questions in equal measure and, above all – place them in a larger context.

Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered.

– Don Norman


In the course of my design career, I was fortunate to be able to work with high-profile creative teams, by which I acquired various national and international accolades, became a member at the Deutscher Designer Club and a frequent juror at design competitions. Furthermore, I  commit myself as a partner with the project council of the German Federal Ecodesign Award and the UPA

Innovation Process

Play → think → do  (and iterate ↵)

Designing future scenarios: Both divergent and convergent thinking play a role in solving problems or developing new ideas. In order to get the widest possible range of ideas for the future, it is advisable to start with an open, unsystematic and experimental topic → play. In order to then consciously switch to convergent thinking: illuminate and condense systemically, analytically and critically → think. In order to make the ideas as tangible as possible, a prototype, no matter what kind, can provide good starting points for alternatives: fast and pragmatic → do.

Clients and Agencies

A selection of clients and design agencies from different industries for whom I have been able to work over the past few years.

“For me, Sebastian is a sparring partner, an idea machine, a team motivator and full-blooded designer all rolled into one. Whether it is about user experience design or strategic communication.”

Jens Dämgen
CEO at ProCamera App